Tuesday, April 13, 2010

b is moving.

a dear, sweet student of mine, b, is moving away. he is delightful and a source of many things on this very blog. i am going to miss him very much and i told him so. he replied
b: why are you going to miss me?
me: cause i like you.
b: why do you like me?
me: cause you're sweet and kind-hearted and funny and smart.
b: and cause i can dance, that's it ms. barnes. you like me cause i can dance.


  1. Glad you're back, Kristin.
    I've been missing my daily "fix" of childhood humor. Hey, are you coming down for Christopher and Nikki's wedding next week?
    I wish you could, but I understand if you can't.
    Miss you and love you.
    (doug's dad) Dave O

  2. hi mr. dave! i'm always glad to hear from you! last week was especially hard as far as teaching goes. i felt so overwhelmed it was much more difficult to find the humor in the things my students were saying! this weekend was refreshing though, and the Lord has renewed my spirit! i'm hoping this week will provide fresh funny things!

    i miss you and your family as well! it would be lovely to come and visit all of my florida friends very soon, but i won't be able to come next week. i'm very happy for chris and nikki! they are such God honoring people and i pray that their marriage is so so blessed! :) i hope you are doing well and that you have a great day!
