Thursday, September 2, 2010

i'm really honest.

so..when i don't know the answer to something i tell my kids. and then i find the answer...but i couldn't find the answer to this riddle...

what number am i?
none of my digits are even
the sum of my digits is 4
i am higher than 1200
i am lower than 2500

a student said: you're not that smart, are you?


p.s. still don't know the answer.


  1. I vote 1300. Technically, 0 isn't odd or even.

  2. Wouldn't the answer be 1300 ??? Zero isn't considered "even" is it. The sum of the digits is 4. It's greater than 1200 and less than 2500.
    Watta' ya' think? --doug's dad

  3. My brilliant husband (his words not mine) says if zero isn't even or odd then the answer is 1300.

  4. i've always been taught and always teach that 0 is even, hence the problem. but...the creator of this riddle must not count 0. otherwise it's impossible!

  5. wikipedia says that zero is an even number because it is divisible by 2.
    so, the riddle's broke.

  6. Wikipedia cannot be trusted, 0 is neither odd nor even so 1300 must be the answer. Yet again wikipedia has failed us :(
