Thursday, June 10, 2010

a letter i will never throw away.

all week i've been having the kids write letters...letters to their future third grade teachers about what they hope for the future and letters to me about what they remember from our past together. the excerpts in the two posts below are from each of those.  this letter, however, was so incredibly kind it made me cry. i had to share it in it's entirity to you.

Dear Ms. Barnes,

      My best memory of 2nd grade was meetting you.  I loved when you started to come every day to school! I also really loved when you came to my last softball game and we won to the team we have never beaten befor, 12 to 19.  I really loved that you picked me for 4 awards on 6-9-10.  I really liked the science project that the class did and got 2nd place! When we were at field day I was so happy that I was in team 6 with you! I hope that you get a good job as a teacher.  The best thing i like about you is your smile!  When I grow up I hope to be just like you, smart, kind, pretty, and has a graet smile! Every time I'm feelling sad I just think of you and you make it all better!




    that is so encouraging i'm sure. what a sweet kid =)

  2. Aww. Kristin. That's so sweet. I love it. You made such an impression on that little kid. :)
